Orchid Flower Care

Orchids have some of the most beautiful and long-lasting blooms of all flowers. Enjoying these delightful and heavenly blooms is the most rewarding part of orchid flower care. If you have just one or a few orchids, simply place your orchid in a location where you spend a lot of time so that you can enjoy the beautiful blooming flowers. Phalaenopsis like bright light but not direct sun and they can do well in relatively low light conditions, other species of orchid may need brighter conditions, follow the care instructions that came with your orchid. If you are an orchid enthusiast and your collection of orchids is growing and begining to have varieties that come into bloom at different times of the year, you may want to create an area specifically designed for displaying the continuous blooms of your orchids. This could include special shelving and lighting to make for the most ideal conditions suitable for blooming flowers. 

Orchid Flower Care Reblooming

Orchids will naturally rebloom when they are given proper care all year round. Lighting, watering, fertilization, and temperature are all factors that must be considered in orchid flower care.  Follow the recommended care for the species of orchid and learn about the specific needs of different species in the pages of the Heavenly Orchids website. It is for the gorgeous blooms that we love and keep orchids, so lets look at the components to getting our plants to bloom again and again year after year. 


Different species of orchids have different light requirements. It is important to know in which condition that your plants will thrive. In their natural environment, many orchids grow in shade canopy of trees. Phalaenopsis, Miltoniopsis,  Masdevallias, and some Paphiopedilums will do well in low light to bright shady conditions. Brassias, Cattleyas, Miltonias and Oncidiums like slightly brighter but still indirect light conditions and Brassavolas, some Cattleyas and Vanda's will do best in very bright light conditions and can even take direct morning or late afternoon sunlight. Knowing your orchid genus and species and the type of light that it flourishes in is one of the key components of proper orchid care to ensure reblooming. 


Watering orchids is a crucial area to master and one of the most difficult areas for beginners. Orchids have different requirements than plants grown in soil and the amount of water needed will depend on the species of orchid, the grow medium, and the temperature of the environment it is grown in. As a general guideline, water your orchids on a weekly basis. Also pay attention to the type of water that you use. The best water for orchids is rainwater, distilled water and reverse osmosis. Hard water can lead to nutrition lockout in orchids, which will have a detrimental effect on their well being. For more information on how to water, click here.  


Fertilizing is also an important aspect in orchid flower care and cultivation.  Orchids can be fertilized with a general 20-20-20 NPK non urea based fertilizer all year round. There are fertilizers made specifically for blooming. During the flowering stage, orchids use more potassium. It is best to start use of a bloom fertilizer about two months prior the your orchid's natural bloom cycle.  Once the flowers are in bloom, you may ease off fertilizing if you wish as your orchids have most likely stored enough nutrients to last through the bloom cycle. 


Temperature can play a vital role in orchid flower production. As well as the factors mentioned above keep your orchids in an ideal temperature range of 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 30 degrees Celsius) throughout most of the year. Flowering can induced in some species by lowering the temperature at night, ideally not below 52 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celcius)

Proper care is essential for orchids to rebloom consistently, encompassing considerations such as lighting, watering, fertilization, and temperature. Different species of orchids have varying light requirements, ranging from low light to bright conditions. Understanding the light preferences of your orchid genus and species is crucial for successful care and reblooming. Watering orchids can be challenging, but understanding their specific needs based on species, growing medium, and environmental temperature is crucial. Rainwater, distilled water, or reverse osmosis water are ideal choices, while hard water should be avoided. Fertilizing orchids with a balanced NPK fertilizer is recommended year-round, with the addition of a bloom fertilizer prior to the natural bloom cycle. Temperature also plays a significant role, with most orchids thriving within a range of 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 30 degrees Celsius), while some species may benefit from cooler nighttime temperatures. By implementing these care practices, you can ensure the continuous blooming and well-being of your orchids.

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